Monday 15 July 2013

July 13-15: We left Winnipeg with a bang, as we almost missed our train. Suyin helped us with our bags. As soon as we were on the train it started to move. We were so close to missing it and having to wait longer for our ride home. Staying with Suyin had come to an end, but it was fun. We had yet to face two days on a train crossing canada. It was probably the longest two days of my life. The food was not bad, and the beds much more comfortable than any other train beds. Besides that there was not a lot of things to do. Once the ride was over I was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. We had to wait a while because we had come in too early. Once we saw Aidan we attacked him with hugs, mum shed a few tears. Frances and Nanu were there too. We all waited for the bags. After our bags came we went to meet more family for dim-sum. We were greeted with more hugs from Gung Gung, Mimi, Aldo, Michael, and we even got some flowers. The flowers are beautiful. After a great Breakfast that couldn't be beat, we went home. The cats were waiting at home nice and fluffy. They looked a little suspicious, but got used to us pretty quick. I called my best friend, and we Face Timed while I unpacked. Then we got back to our setting up home, and did some of the old things we used to do. I played a little Minecraft with Aidan, then watched a movie. Mum made it her duty to clean every inch of the house, while dad went biking. After a while we decided to go for dinner. It turns out that our favourite old Ramen place, the place we had decided to go was closed on Mondays. A little disappointing, but we went for a vegetarian meal at a new place called Heirloom. Then we went home to a nice relaxing evening. I am sorry to announce, but this will be the last blog by Isa Perkins. I hope that you enjoyed the blog, and I hope to hear from all of you. Thank you one and all, for all your comments, suggestions, and feedback. I am soooo happy to be back home. Bye, and have a good day.

Friday 12 July 2013

July 10-12

We spent 2 nights on the train from Toronto to Winterpeg. Once we got into town Suyin picked us up and we went for breakfast and then to pick up some food for our stay. We went on a walking tour of the St. Boniface area and saw the grave of Louie Riel. After more driving around town, me and mum went to have our hair cut and then we met up with Laurie to go canoeing, I thought the canoeing was pretty good. On the way back to the house we picked up six bags of Indian food - cause Suyin was worried about not having enough food, I think Suyin and Laurie will be eating Indian food all week. The next day we went to the zoo. We saw Lions and tigers and polar bear (oh my) but I think my favourite today was the prairie dogs. We also found a baby bird that maybe fell out of a tree, a little after Laurie picked it up to take to the zoo keepers it died, that was sad but I hope we gave the bird some comfort before it died. For lunch guess what we had - Indian left overs. Then we went to the movie theatre and watched Despicable Me 2 - very funny. The rest of the story is untold. But I know we are all going to pitch in making dinner and tomorrow get on the train and finally back to Vancouver.



Tuesday 9 July 2013

July 9

Today we are going to get on a late train to Winnipeg. I won't be blogging till Winnipeg on July 11. Today we went to the Art museum of Ontario. The museum was not my favourite, but it wasn't bad. There were lots of modern art, and photography and we met a maple sugar maker. Then we went to a Vegan bakery. The food was good. After that we walked for a while, but the walk home was so long to took a cab. We went to the St. Lawrence market that was supposed to be the best in the world but we did not think so. Thats all I will talk to y'all real soon. bye
ps just got back from Momofuku for dinner - yum.


Chuck Close

St. Lawrence Market
Lake Ontario
Tori's Bakeshop

Monday 8 July 2013

July 8

Today we went to the Design Exchange, and saw a shoe show. Some of my favourite shoes are below. Then we went to the distillery district. We walked around a little. Then me and mum went to the Casa Loma castle, while dad went to the Royal Ontario Museum. After the castle, and then took the subway home, and just in time. After a while of being home we heard the rain and saw the lightning. When dad got back he was completely and utterly drenched. The whole area around our hotel is flooded. The restaurant down stairs is flooded. We are on a tiny island of survival on the 17 floor. Good bye and good night.

Distillery District

Casa Loma

Salgado exhib