Friday 12 July 2013

July 10-12

We spent 2 nights on the train from Toronto to Winterpeg. Once we got into town Suyin picked us up and we went for breakfast and then to pick up some food for our stay. We went on a walking tour of the St. Boniface area and saw the grave of Louie Riel. After more driving around town, me and mum went to have our hair cut and then we met up with Laurie to go canoeing, I thought the canoeing was pretty good. On the way back to the house we picked up six bags of Indian food - cause Suyin was worried about not having enough food, I think Suyin and Laurie will be eating Indian food all week. The next day we went to the zoo. We saw Lions and tigers and polar bear (oh my) but I think my favourite today was the prairie dogs. We also found a baby bird that maybe fell out of a tree, a little after Laurie picked it up to take to the zoo keepers it died, that was sad but I hope we gave the bird some comfort before it died. For lunch guess what we had - Indian left overs. Then we went to the movie theatre and watched Despicable Me 2 - very funny. The rest of the story is untold. But I know we are all going to pitch in making dinner and tomorrow get on the train and finally back to Vancouver.



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