Tuesday 17 July 2012

July 16: We went to Harrod's, which is a big department store with so much nice stuff. We got separated from daddy and couldn't find him for a long time. I got a new umbrella because it is raining so much here, it's blue with black dots. Harrod's was fun! Then we took a cab to take a Dr. Who walking tour of some of the spots where they shot some of the episodes.We did that for my birthday present, which is on the 19th by the way. Then we went to see a ballet, and I met aunty kitty whom I have not met since I was three, but she is not related to me in any way. She is my mother's, mother's close friend. Then my mom, dad, and me went and saw the last police box in London. Then went home and slept.


  1. Wow it looks like you are in a fancy smancy theatre box. How old is the ballet house? Dr Who!? Creepy dr who, he's a very odd chap, the tour must have been very interesting.

  2. And by the way, what is a police box used for?
