Thursday 18 October 2012

Oct. 18:
olla amigos - it's su again - isa is allowing me to guest-blog - laurie wants me to say hi to everyone - we've walked 2 days now and done a total of 46 km - there are some sore feet in the group but for the most part spirits are high - isa continues to be a really good sport - walking along quite happily - for those who are wondering what isa has learned during her travels i asked her - she thought about it and said 'i learned to make wine, i learned to make beer and i learned to make champagne' - full stop - we're just finishing dinner and will be heading to bed shortly - tomorrow we are doing a shorter walk and will have some down time to do some laundry and sample the local fare - adios amigos

now it is Isa turn: well su said lots of what we did today but I will fill in my details. During the walk I listened to the book "Little Women" to help the time go by faster. In the middle of the walk my foot cramped up and I was limping a while. Plus I almost didn't make it the last 3 km. It was tuff but I believe that the second day is the worst of all five, that's right people five more days of hearing me complain YAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. To the happy feet travellers.
    Nice to see you all hanging in there, you have the foot expert with you ,
    Suyin must have some advic from all her running experience,and Laurie can always amputate if necessary.
    Love Nanu
