Saturday 13 October 2012

Oct 13: Today we had more visitors which are my ant and uncle Suyin and Lory. I am glad we have company to take our minds off having to walk six days in a row on the Camino de Santiago trail. We walked around town, and had pinxtos for diner. Now we are home, but every one seems tired so they will send me to bed soon.


  1. Auntie Suyin and uncle Laurie both look well and chomping at the bit for that long hike. Isa, you look happy and content with that food you ate. What are pinxtos?
    They certainly look yummy. Don't worry about Aiden, we'll look after him.
    Love, Nanu and Gung-Gung

    1. Pinxtos are small snack like food. Basically tapas.

  2. I'm terribly jealous about the hike... I wish I could join you. Have a wonderful time! Please say 'hello' to Su and Laurie... and 'thank you for the socks' to your Mum (she is not answering her email). Miss you Isa... you should try to convince your parents to extend your travels by another few months by sailing to Australia =)
