Sunday 7 October 2012

Oct. 7:
Today we went to church, but not before having ice cream breakfast. The church was amazing and big, with an enormous organ. We walked along the beach. We did some walking around town before hopping in the car to head home, but before long became lost. After a while we made it home, and had a ping pong tournament. Now that we are home its time to relax, but in mid relaxation a huge beetle crawled on my finger, I didn't knows it until I felt a tickle, when I looked at it I thought I was a tarantula and freaked out. Well good night.


  1. great to see all five of you. What a beautiful place and great pics.

  2. Replies
    1. hi Robyn, thanks for reading my blog. Want to come visit?

  3. Replies
    1. Hi. Thanks for reading my Blog. How is school going?
