Thursday 28 February 2013

Feb. 28: Hello, today we are lucky to be in Rome on the day the pope is leaving. First we went to St. Peter's church to see the grave of St. Peter. We also went to the crypt, I like crypts other than the fact there are dead people there. Then we went to Castelo St. Angelo's and saw the old papal treasury.
St. Peter's

St. Peter's alter marks the burial of St. Peter

St. Peters from St. Angelo
Castelo St. Angelo

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Feb. 27: Today we went to the Colosseum, But first we stopped at the Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano, and the Palatine hill. At the basilica we were only there for two or three minutes, but saw a five hundred year old grave for an important pope. Then we went to the Palatine hill, and saw lots of ruins, but got hot and had to leave. Last we went to the Colosseum, and went on a tour of the underground which was recently opened and where they kept the animals and gladiators. Then we were at home for a while before going out for dinner. At dinner we sat outside next to the Pantheon and it was lovely. Good bye for today.
Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano

Palatine hill

Roman Forum temple of Vesta
Colosseum underground tour

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Feb. 26: Today was a nice quiet day where I was home most of it but I did do some stuff. Dad went out and me and mum read some of my school book. Then when he came back we all went out for lunch. We had some pizza and then had a short sit down. After lunch I stayed home while mum and dad went out to all the other stuff today. I did lots of home work and reading.

Trajan's Forum

Really bad photo of me sorry

Pizza in Campo di Fiori

Bernini's Apollo and Daphne at Borghese gallery
Santa Maria della Vittoria
Spanish steps

Trevi fountain

Monday 25 February 2013

Feb. 25: Today we went to the Vatican museum. One of the most famous paintings in the museum was done by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. After the museum we went to St. Peter's Basilica that was right beside the museum. After the long day we decided to relax with a little bit of shopping, I did need a new pair of boots anyway. It didn't take us more then a hour to find a great pair of boots. Then we went for dinner (two minuets walk from our hotel). I had pizza, but it was a bit of a tourist trap. Now we are going to watch a movie and go to bed.
(Note to Mimi & Aldo at the bottom)

Michelangelo's Creation of Adam on Sistine Chapel ceiling

Vatican Egyptian collection

Belvedere Torso

Raphael's School of Athens

Laocoon statue

St. Peter's

Dear Mimi & Aldo

Hope you had a nice trip back to vancouver,
and hope you come again soon.
From --> Isa 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Feb. 23: We got off the boat and that was really sad. Dad, Aldo, Mum, Mimi and me all got in the car and had a fun and squishy ride to Rome. Once we got there we went to our hotel and then out again for a coffee. After the coffee we went too see a couple museums. The interactive Leonardo Da Vinci Museum was lots of fun. Then we went for a nice dinner with Mimi and Aldo. After dinner I was really tired so I went to bed and missed Mimi and Aldo leaving for Vancouver. I was really sad in the morning when I woke up and they were gone.

Feb. 24: We went out hoping to go for church at the Vatican but the Pope was doing his last blessing and there were 100,000 people and on the way out we got intervened by BBC news. Then we went home to do some work and didn't leave till 6:00 to go to mass then dinner. Bye

Piazza Minerva

Campo di Fiori

Da Vinci exhibit

Romulus & Remus

Capitoline hill museum

Piazza Navona

Benedict XVI last blessing

Ara Pacis

S. Maria Sopra Minerva

Saturday 23 February 2013

Feb. 22: Naples:
Cruise to Naples thru Greek Islands
Today we are in Naples and it is very rainy. The first thing we did was look for pizza, we only found one small place and ate outside on the sidewalk. Then we walked right into the National Museum. In the museum we saw so many paintings, mosaics and household items  saved from the towns around mount Vesuvius. After the museum, we made two more pizza stops because dad wanted to try 5 different pizzas in one day, because Naples is were pizza was created. The pizza was very good. After that me and mum went back on board the cruise ship while dad went back out to look at a castle and have more pizza. Bye.
Naples Museum