Tuesday 26 February 2013

Feb. 26: Today was a nice quiet day where I was home most of it but I did do some stuff. Dad went out and me and mum read some of my school book. Then when he came back we all went out for lunch. We had some pizza and then had a short sit down. After lunch I stayed home while mum and dad went out to all the other stuff today. I did lots of home work and reading.

Trajan's Forum

Really bad photo of me sorry

Pizza in Campo di Fiori

Bernini's Apollo and Daphne at Borghese gallery
Santa Maria della Vittoria
Spanish steps

Trevi fountain


  1. Boy, Isa, your mum and Dad went everywhere including some of my favs like the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps. You continue to amaze me with your lovely travels exploits. I do have a question from today: What book are you reading and has it been fun?

    1. I have been reading Hatch and it is not necessarily fun because it is a school book.
