Thursday 7 February 2013

Feb. 7:
Today We drove to Genoa and I got a little car sick on the way. The first thing did when we landed was eat some Genoa pesto on foccacia. Then we went to the San Lorenzo church that was cool because it was black and while striped. Then we went to the Aquarium which is the biggest in Europe and saw little fishes. My favourite part of the Aquarium was the Jelly-Fish. Then mum and dad went to explore some more while I stayed home and read. Did you know that Genoa was one of the most powerful city-states during the renaissance and was were Christopher Columbus came from? Now it is getting late but I will talk with you all tomorrow. Bye

Torino to Genoa

Genoa pesto

San Lorenzo Church


  1. The jellyfish look tres cool - much bigger than the tiny one I spotted while scuba diving yesterday

    1. Do you have any pictures? We would like to see you in your "stinger suit"

  2. Hi Isa... sorry, it has been a while. I having been reading your blog but haven't had a chance to write a comment. Jellyfish are also my favourite thing to see in the aquarium (besides sea otters at the Vancouver Aquarium). Here in Sydney we see jellyfish all the time... they float peacefully in even the busy harbours. In the north there are so many (very poisonous ones) that people must wear special "stinger suits"... ask Gung-Gung to show you a photo of his stinger suit =) Bye for now.
