Sunday 26 August 2012

Aug 25-26:
Yesterday might have been the worst day of the trip so far. So we got up early and tried to get to our ferry but there was traffic and we missed it. when we got off the next ferry (which was ran late too) we were late for our train and we needed to exchange our tickets, we exchanged them and we were off to a different station because we were at the wrong one. we were supposed to get off at the second stop but we missed that stop and we had to wait for the last stop. Then we had to wait 2 hours till the next train that we almost missed. We got off that train and were lucky to catch a train that was leaving late to Bruxelles. exhausting! Sorry no pics

Now today was big, we went to church in french and we could not under stand, it was kind of fun not understanding anything. We had lunch then lots of chocolate then came home to the hotel for a rest! we were a while at home and after that it was 5ish, but we went off to explore. The first thing we found was a Belgian waffle with strawberys and condensed milk my favourite! We went to Grande Place, to a couple of parks, then we saw a big cathedral with a golden thing with wings at the top that was big, we walked around the Palace Royal, and my favourite part was seeing huge carved chocolate hippos. I love chocolate hippos, I love hippos anyway! and before going home we walked by a bolling alley so we played had a game of bowling.


  1. I can just feel the frustration with the trains. One has to get used to trains and its difficult when everything is in a different language. I bet Belgium is going to be fun since there are so many interesting ways to eat chocolate

  2. Too bad about the travel day - it happens - are you practicing your French? Oui? Non? Or are you learning some Belgian? 'Chocolate' sounds the same in any language though doesn't it?

  3. I love hippos too! Especially pygmy hippos... or better yet, house hippos =)
