Saturday 22 June 2013

June 22: Today is our last moments in Hamburg. Breakfast and fed the ducks. Right now we are packing up to go on a boat across the atlantic in the queen mary 2. I am exited. Now I wont blog for about nine days just to worn you. TTYL.

Friday 21 June 2013

June 21: Busy, Busy, Busy, and its making me dizzy. We are now on our last full day in Europe, because tomorrow we are getting on the Queen Mary 2, and going to New York. I am getting really exited. Today we were busy, we went to three art museums, and one town hall. The first art museum was all about one man named Harry Callahan, and he did photography. I didn't mind his stuff but since it was in black and white it lost some of the feeling. The second museum was all about a women, named Maria Lassnig, who does painting. I did not like her work at all. It was too abstract for my taste. Then we went to catch the town hall tour at three fifteen. The town hall was very big especially the ball room. Now we are readying our selves for the big day tomorrow. Bye, and we may have a small blog tomorrow then see you in NY July 1.

June 22 Hamburg June 24 Southampton July 1 NY

Thursday 20 June 2013

June 20: Today our main priority is going to the maritime museum. The museum was really big and really historical. There were nine floors, and they were almost all about boats. I like the model boats, and I hope to get one when we get home. There was a replica of the Queen Mary 2, and the Titanic. Plus there was a Lego room, in the room there was a BIG replica of of the Queen Mary 2. We are getting on the QM2 to come home in 2 days. After the museum me and mum went shopping. Then mum and dad went to the ballet. They brought me back a Sub Way. It tasted great.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

June 19: Today was so hot and humid, unbelievably hot. Dad says the temperature was 31 degrees. We went to a modern art museum, that we had planed to go to for a small while. It was nice and cool inside, but the museum was a bit disappointing in the end. Once we get out for the museum we went back home. On the way we saw a big building that was an art museum. It turns out that the museum that we didn't go to was the one we wanted to go to. Mum and dad and me went home for a while before mum and dad went out again to see the museum I didn't. Then we went for Sushi. I had really good ungai. The last thing we did was go to a light show. We got there a hour early so we waited, about five mintiest after the show started it began to poor with rain. Inconvenient is what I call that, but what we saw for the show was cool.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

June 18: Isa day! as you should know when we stay in one place for a week or more then one of those days is an Isa day. So we are going to the Miniature Wonderland. I liked it at first but we were there too long if you ask me, and I got bored, but I liked it. mum liked it a lot too. We had a big Macdonald's lunch. It was good, very good. Then we went home and got very excited for a show we are going to later... The show was amazing. I was so exited to see Lindsey Sterling. She is a fantastic violinist. She plays rock, pop, and classic violin. I got a T-Shirt that had an alternate image of her. Aidan and I are big fans.

Monday 17 June 2013

June 17: Today I got a cold. I am not very happy about that, but that dose not mean that we cant have a good day. We started with a small breakfast of shakes. I had a very good strawberry shake. Then we went for a longer then expected breakfast. Then we went to the Apple store that is close to our house for a peek at the content. After that I went home to do homework and and stay in the rest for the day. But mum and dad did do stuff and they will tell you about that after i am done with my shorter blog for today. I had a bath, did home work, watched Doctor Who, and ate soup.
-mum and dad blog- The 40+ crowd signed up for the city bike share program and did a tour of the lakes then walked to the HafenCity. Bike share systems are in most European cities and like others we have tried it only took a couple minutes to sign up and start peddling. We got the bikes right across from our hotel and dropped them after a couple hours on the other side of the lakes. From there we walked to HafenCity which is a huge area of old docks and warehouses which are being renovated and built over to create a new neighbourhood. Got back to Isa and were happy to see not all the chips gone but all the fruit gone.

Sunday 16 June 2013

June 16: Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. Today is a very special day that my dad didn't even remember, Fathers Day. We started our days by going to the fish market. We had some fun there and were soon on our way to church. However the church we had to go to was under construction till summer. So we went home. We took a nice long walk home and once we got there dad had a nap and mum went to a ballet. Then we went out for dinner at a Vietnamese place, I liked it. Bye for now.

Hamburg Ballet