Friday 14 June 2013

June 11: Today we are in Helsinki, Finland. I am 1/8 Finnish, and my dad is 1/4. We had a great tour guide, Kirsti, and she was very fast so we could fit all the great things that we did today in. We walked through a modern opera house, and to the Finlandia concert hall by Alver Alto and we also saw the house he designed for himself. We did some driving through town, stopped at a beautiful modern church that was blasted out of a rock, and then went to the small wooden town of Porvoo. The tour guide brought us to a chocolate factory, and we got to try some samples. Back in Helsinki we went to a modern art museum and dad jogged off to see a new chapel that looks cool. Then we went home, and were almost late on the boat. I had a great after noon because it was hoe down night at the kids club, and I had the perfect outfit. Bye.  

Kirsti our guide in music hall
Alvar Alto's house

Church in the rock

Jugend hall art nouveau



Saaranin's train station

Steven Holl's Kiasma museum

Kamppi Chapel

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