Saturday 15 December 2012

Dec. 15:
Besancon was a Roman city, what do you know. We climbed to the top of the city which was surrouned by a wall and called a citadelle. In the citadelle there was a zoo, a museum of WW2, and a museum of culture.  I loved the zoo, and I made friends with a tiger. For lunch we went to the christmas market down in the city. After lunch we went to the Museum Of Clocks. Then me and mum went home to do homework. After dinner we went back to the christmas market for a waffle. Now we are home getting warm and tired. MARRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERY ONE!
Besancon in Roman times
Besancon in 1700s

Climbing to the citadel

Museum at the citadel

Zoo at the citadel
Aquarium at the citadel

Christmas market

1 comment:

  1. I noticed the tiger seemed to be nodding good by to you The christmas lights in the market remind me of Van Gogh:s "Starry Night" Merry Christmas to you three beautiful creatures
