Sunday 9 December 2012

Dec. 9: Today it was Sunday, we started off by going to the shoe museum. The shoe museum had shoes from sandals to wedding shoes, old shoes to new shoes. It was a small place but I thought it was good. My favourite shoe was the clown shoes they were huge at the toe and normal at the heel. Then we to church at the Gotic cathedral and it was such a crowd when trying to leave. The church was a nice size and right in the middle of it there was a choir.
Then we went to the Picasso Museum. At the museum there were a number of interesting painting especially from his earliest works around the year 1900. There was one series that stood out which was a study Picasso did of a painting by Velazqeez called Las Meninas. Valazquez painted Las Meninas in 1656 and we saw it in Madrid at the Prado museum, the same place where Picasso, since he was 14, would go and study.
Then we went to another of Gaudi's apartment buildings. I think I am starting to warm up to his designs. Then we were home until dinner were we went out to a pizzeria, not the best but good service. Good night every one and bye!!!

Shoe museum

Gotic cathderal

Picasso study of Las Meninas

Picasso study of Las Meninas

Gaudi's Casa Batllo

Gaudi's Casa Batllo

Gaudi's Casa Batllo

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased that Gaudi's work is beginning to grow on you. Its not just the organic scultural architectural forms but the myriad colors and shapes of the tile work is amazing and also ahead of his time.
    I think that the shoe museum might be from the the Batta family shoe company. They were from The Czech Republic and were a huge shoe outfit selling shoes all over the world
