Thursday 31 January 2013

Jan. 31: Hello all followers today is a big day! First me and dad got on a long train ride to get to Chateaux-d'Oex for a balloon festival. When we got there we were wondering where the festivities were taking place. We took a minute then decided to follow a balloon that was close to landing. When we found the festivities I got a Hot-Dog for lunch. Near the balloons we spotted a skating rink. I love skating and I showing dad my 3 moves which are skating backwards, skating in arabesque and spinning. We were skating for an hour and by then we were exhausted so we got on a train to go back home.
Lausanne to Chateaux-d'Oex

GoldenPass Panoramic train
Chateaux-d'Oex Ballon festival

Chateaux-d'Oex skating

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Jan. 30: Today was very exotic. First mum got up early to go to one of her ballet performances. When mom got back we all went to see the cathedral and to do a little shopping. I needed a dress for the cruse and I love my new dress and shoes. On the way home we found a fish feet place so me and mum got our feet done. Later mum and dad went to another ballet and got the guest speaker to sign his book, Mao's Last Dancer. Thats all for today.

Lausanne Cathedral

Li Cunxin "Mao's Last Dancer"

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Jan. 29: Today I was still recovering for a cold so I stayed home and eat miso soup all day. Mum and dad went to some Roman ruins and a Roman museum. I did homework and watched movies all day, but when dad came back we went out for a short walk. For dinner we went for sushi!!! It was delicioso.
Max. extent of Roman Empire
Roman ruins in Lausanne

Snow White backwards

Monday 28 January 2013

Jan. 28: Today I stayed home while mum and dad took a train to see a castle. I did homework and when dad got home we were both hungry so we went to Mc Donald's. Then we did a little stroll back home.  While me and dad were out mum went to see a ballet examination (Prix de Lausanne). When we were all home together we went down to the pool and then to dinner.

Lausanne to Chillon Castle

Sunday 27 January 2013

Jan. 27: Today we drove from Carmen's place in Winterthur to Bern and then to Lausanne. When we got to Bern we first went to the Einstein museum, then the history museum, and then a walk around old town till we found a place for lunch. Once we were done lunch we went to the famous bear pit but there were no bears so back to the car and on to Lausanne. When we got to our hotel dad went to the gym and then we all wen to dinner. Bye for now.

Winterthur to Bern to Lausanne Switzerland
Bern capitol of Switzerland

Einstein Museum

Bern history museum

Saturday 26 January 2013

Jan. 26: Hello! Today I woke up late and we were in a rush to get going to see Carmen at her dance shop. Once we got there we all went to the flee market. I didn't get anything but Carmen got a lot of lace for tutus. Then we all walk back to the shop where mum and dad left me and Carmen to work. I got to do some sewing while mum and dad we out at the big museum. Then we walked back with a little bit of window shopping and when we got home we got ready to go for dinner. For dinner we had a lovely meal and now we are home. Mum and dad just gave george (the cat) a bath. Night!
Reinhart museum




Palazo Corti

Friday 25 January 2013

Jan. 25: Today we took a day trip to Lucerne. We took a train to Zurich and took another from there to Lucerne. When we got there we first took a walk in the old city. Then we went to The Wooden Bridge. After the bridge we went to meet our friend at the transportation museum. We were in the museum for most of the day but after we went for a little break. Then I drove home with our friends while mum and dad took the train home.
Winterthur to Zurich to Lucerne Switzerland

Lucerne convention center by Nouvel

Lucerne covered bridge

Transportation museum

Thursday 24 January 2013

Jan. 24: Today we were lazy until mum, dad, and I went sledding. We had too drive an hour till we got to Wildhaus where we would sled. The whole run was 6 km so we only went once. Then when we got home we had to warm up and relax. For dinner we had cheese fondu with bread potatoes and pear. The fondu was a special recipe from Salome with help from her father, husband and Carmen. I loved dinner. Now I am having fun before bed.