Thursday 10 January 2013

Jan. 10 : Today we are on the road for five hours to meet up with some friends. When we got there we found out they have three cats that are named Rusty, Snowball and Princess. For dinner we had a lovely home cook meal of vegetables and ground up meat (cevapcici). Then for desert we went for cake and treats. Now we are bloging to bed.
a word from our friends "hi"
Vienna to Rijeka Croatia

Dionne and Djuro



1 comment:

  1. SNOWBALL is defininitely a snowball. She looks like a large ball of white fluff and just loves the limelight. That's a nice picture of your Dad with Dionne and Djuro.
    Say "HI" to Djuro and Dionne for us.
    Love, Gung-Gung and Nanu
