Sunday 10 March 2013

March 10: Today first thing I did was crash my bike, no major injuries. Then packed and were on the road to our next stop, the Valley of Temples. For the ride we got a new audio-book called the lightning thief. Then we stopped for a picnic next to the temple of Juno. We took a while to walk around the Valley of the Temples. (The temples we mostly built by the Greeks around 450BC. The Greeks had just beat the Carthagians from North Africa and had many slaves as a result that were put to work building temples for the Greeks). Then we went to our new home and chillaxed. We had a nice dinner and had a nice talk with Aidan over face time. Have a nice night.
Valley of the temples to Taormina Sicily

Picnic in shadow of temple of Juno

Temple of Juno

Temple of Heracles

Temple of Zuse

Temple of Concordia

Temple of Castor & Pollux

Sicilian countryside

1 comment:

  1. The valley of the Greek temples was one of our visits when we did a trip around the Eastern Med exploring some of the sites of antiquity. I'll never forget those scenes. I like your new word (new for me) CHILLAXED.
