Thursday 18 April 2013

April 18: Today was oh so very hot. I woke up late and when we all went out I had a frap at Starbucks which I haven't done in forever and a day. Then we went to the city history museum where we could have spent the hole day (not because it was good) because it was so long (Albrecht Durer lived here in Rothenburg and the city was a centre of the new invention of the printing press all in the late 1400s). Then we had lunch, and went bombing around town (not literally). We also went to a modern museum and I have to say, it was interesting. Then we went home I did home work and chilled while dad went walking to come back just in time for dinner! I will explain dinner in one word AMAZING, we had Indian. Now its late so I bid you farewell, bye!

Albrecht Durer self portrait

Marriage fountain

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