Saturday 20 April 2013

April 20: Today was cold wet and generally uncomfortable. We went on a bus tour, and passed a river named Isa(r). We got off the bus at the BMW museum (I am not much for cars). I have to admit some cars were a little cool. Then we hopped back on the bus and went home. I stayed home and did home work, mum went down stars to the spa, and dad when out for a walk in the cold and I half expected hime to come back a Johncicle. Then we were all home till dinner where we went for chinese. I LOVE CHINESE.

The ISAr river

BMW museum

1972 Olympic site

1 comment:

  1. Isa I love your portrait at the Isar river. I went to the BMW museum and the 72 Olympic site years ago when on a business trip to Germany to pick out tiles for a research lab at VGH.
    One of my classmates from MIT actually worked on the Olympic site for an architect from Berlin. The structural engineer did the creative tent like structure and then did something like it in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. My classmate did some of the site supervision work there and had to become a moslem in order to be in Mecca. I never heard from him whether he kept up that faith or not.
    I am so excited about seeing you very soon.
