Friday 14 September 2012

Sept. 14: Today we got up early, I wasn't happy about that but we made it to Reims for a day trip. We first went to the Notre Dame Cathedral which was very big and had lots of stained glass. After that we went to two champagne wineries which had to be really cold in the caves so I was frozen, but I am alive now. We went shopping and we finally found some paints so I can start doing some acrylic paintings. Before going home my mom and I went on a carrousel ride. Now we are home and I am so glad of that. Good night. Oh I almost forgot, we went on a train that went 200 km an hour.

The Notre Dame Cathedral in Reims

Taittinger Winery

14 Meters underground in chalk caves at Mumms Winery

Marc Chagall stained glass windows at Notre Dame in Reims

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