Saturday 8 September 2012

Sept. 8: Sept. 8: 
Disneyland Paris with Mathilda, Yay! I was so excited I woke up at 4 in the morning and fell back asleep, then I woke up at 7 and fell back asleep. When we got there the first ride we were going to go on was Space Mountain, but the line was so big and we had to get fast passes but they were not available until 10 so then we went to the Mad Hatters Tea Cups in the meantime!!!! Space Mountain was our favourite ride, but Thunder Mountain was a close second. We did lots, and I don't know how to describe it, but I will try my best.
We went on a Nautilus adventure, the Tea cups, the Indiana Jones Adventure, through the Robinson's tree house, on a pirate ship. We waited in a one hour line up just to get on the Pirates of the Caribbean but it was worth the wait. We went to the haunted house two times, that was the really good. We had dinner at the Blue Lagoon Restaurant (the the Pirates of the Caribbean).  We got the biggest lolly pops for dessert, and my mom had to hold both of them for an hour and a half while we waited in another line, that seemed like a two or three hour line, to go on thunder mountain for our last ride of the day. We left right before it closed which was 10 o'clock and got home around 11 o'clock. A long day and I hope I didn't bore you, and I hope Mathilda reads this. Bye!   

1 comment:

  1. I love Disneyland!!!! What was your favourite ride and your favourite thing to do there?
