Thursday 6 September 2012

Sept 6: Versailles
Today we got up early to go to Versailles, we visited all day long, and we did lots of stuff including getting sun burnt. So when we got there we went straight to the palace, which is now a museum. Then we had a picnic lunch where I caught a tomato in my mouth - see the video. Then we went to Marie Antoinette's little village. She is so lucky, I'd like to have a village of my own. Then we biked around and had a snack. For me the best part was the boat ride. I rowed us on the lake to the end and back, which doesn't seem far but it is! Then we got on the subway to head home, stopping for dinner and at the Muse Dorsay to see some Van Goghs and some great pointillism, that was pretty good too cause we didn't stay too long.  


  1. Elena and I both love your videos. We visited Versailles when we spent our 25th anniversary in Paris and had a picnic closer to the main palace and were unaware that picnicking there was forbidden. Several gendarms quietly patrolled around us but let us enjoy a fabulous bottle of red wine and sandwiches purchased in the nearby market.

  2. How do I see the tomato-catching video? If you can, watch the movie 'Antionette' while you're in Paris - there are lots of scenes from Versailles - it's one of my favorite movies - although it ends badly for the main characters (as you may recall) it's very fun - look for the black high-top runners In Marie's collection

    1. uploaded the tomato again so hope you can see it.

  3. Hi Isa, it's fun watching you and your parents travel around Europe, but I kind of feel like I'm spying on you! It looks like you're having a great time and that you are growing tall!! : ) On my Macbook I see lots of "blocked plug-ins," so I can't see your video either. Say hi to your M&D for me. Miss you!
