Monday 17 September 2012

Sept 17: I was just about to go to bed when I had to blog.  What did I do today? Today me and dad went to the laundry mat and then went to look to see if there were any musicians on the bridge near our house. There were none so we went to pick up the laundry after having ice-cream. Then joined by mummy who was just at the hamam, we went for lunch near by at an Alsatian place and off to see the city sites.  Palais Royal had lots of shops and we did a little window shopping. I had a frappachino and when I asked for extra caramel they put EXTRA caramel.  Stopped at Place Vendom and Touleries and a ballet store. Picked up a paintbrush and some groceries. I made some soup which I thought was very good if I do say so myself.

Repetto Dance shop

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