Sunday 9 September 2012

Sept. 9: So today, well last night, Mathilda, my good friend from my mom's ballet class came to our apartment for a sleep over. We were up late because of our trip to Disneyland. We woke up got ready and had breakfast. After breakfast we went to meet Mathilda's parents outside the city. a nice picnicin a big park next to the castle that Louis XIV was born in (Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye). We had a great picnic but Mathilda and I stepped in poisend eve, not good. After a great lunch my mom, dad, and I went to the castle but we wen't there for a long time barley even half an hour. Then we were off to catch a subway. now we are home and I have really bad blisters, but I have to go to church. so see all you all latter.


  1. I feel your pain - the blisters - did going to church help?

    1. going to church didn't help but feet are fine now

  2. I often get blisters when traveling to Europe. I remember that just about every other store in Rome sold stuff for foot problems. The only time we did not suffer blisters was once in Paris with Nana, your dad, and Uncle Fred it was so very cold we each wore two pair of socks and guess what, no blisters.
