Sunday 12 May 2013

May 12: Mothers Day! Sunday! Swans!
Today is Sunday and Mothers Day. The first thing we did was go boating in the sun. We even saw some really cute swans and swanlings. After the boat ride we went back home for just a little bit to get read for church! When we got there it was mass in English! After mass we did a quick walk through of a modern art museum and then went on for lunch. We had a pretty good lunch, if you ask me, and I had lots of bacon in a caesar salad. After lunch we walked to the Jewish museum, and got an audioguide (I love audioguides - not!). We went to many different spots in our guide, including the cemetery for Jews and a few different synagogs. Surprisingly the Nazis did not tear down the Jewish quarter here, and now this museum has the biggest collection of Jewish art and culture in the world. One of my closets friends is Jewish. After our learning portion of the day we waddled back home were we relaxed. We even decided to have room service (odd right?). The rest of the story is still untold. Ta Ta For Now.
Prague Marathon
Paddle boat

Museum Kampa

Jewish cemetery


1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day again. I liked the "dancing house" in your first photo of the marathone. The architect, Frank Gehry referred to fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers when he conceived of the twisted facade.He called the building Fred and Ginger (they were dancing in his mind in the expression of the facade).
    the Jewish cemeter visit was a very moving experience. I like the custom of placing stones as remembrances.
