Saturday 18 May 2013

May 18: Today we had a late start. After breakfast we went across the street to the Ritter Sport shop, where we designed our own chocolate bars. Mum got raspberry pieces with chocolate rice crisps, dad got rose pepper corns with chilli and cocoa nibs, I got mini marshmallows and sprinkles. We had to wait around for them to set so we had lunch upstairs and also went to the chocolate museum there. After a quick break back at home we went to the Egyptian museum (Neues), then to the Sammlung Hoffmann collection. We had a guided tour of the modern art which was good because we needed a guide to understand the craziness of the art. Then we went to meet an old family friend, Rita, and we had a nice dinner together. We got home late, and after a little chocolate we are off to bed. Bye.

Make your own Ritter Sport bar

Neues Museum

Bust of Queen Nefertiti, 1340BC

Rita's apartment

My own modern art

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you met Rita. She and Elena went to India together on a summer travel fellowship in 1979. the Hoffman art collection is pretty crazy, but most crazy is designing your own candy bars.
