Saturday 25 May 2013

May 25: Today was rainy wet, and cold too. So we had a relaxing day inside. First we went for breakfast, and I had my usual bacon on toast. Then we were back up stairs and chilled for a while before doing home work. After homework we went out for the first time all day and it was very bad. We didn't see many people out and about, when it's usually super busy. We were cold and wet so we decided to go for an early dinner at a suggested restaurant. We looked for a long time and could not find it. So we went to a place we have already been to. We were soaked to the bone and uncomfortable so we went home right after and warmed up around the house and watched the movie Night at the Museum - museums would be much better if they were really like in the movie. Hopefully tomorrows weather will be better : )

1 comment:

  1. It's cold and windy here in Haarlam too. I love your cat umbrella
