Tuesday 6 November 2012

Nov 4,5&6:
Three days sorry for not posting. I was still sick. We did play some golf at the resort because I am finely eating and feeling better. Watched Madegascar 3. We did some work in the sun and then went for lunch today. I did some games (mine craft update) and had a walk then went for dinner at the end of a boardwalk. The fish looked fishy but it was ok.  Oh and Happy Birth Day Gun Gun!!!


  1. I was starting to worry - no blog for so long - where are you - it looks tropical and coastal - are you still in Portugal - Laurie says 'Hi Isa' - I see meks is still working on her sock - I hope that's the second one - they must be knee-highs yes?

  2. Mummy's on to her second sock. Still in Portugal in this lovely resort and hi Lori

  3. Hi Isa
    Thanks for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day and received some lovely gifts. On Sunday we had a family gathering with roti for dinner. The fillings for the roti were: goat, shrimp, curried dahl and potatoes. I also had cheesecake for dessert. Aidan was here for dinner and stayed overnight. I am glad to hear that you are getting better. It looks like you are ready to challenge Michelle Wie to a round of golf.
    Gung Gung
