Thursday 22 November 2012

Nov. 22:
Today we first went to the cathedral that was originally a mosque. Cordoba was first made a city by the Romans and it was a rival to Rome and centre of Spain at the time. Then in 711 the Muslims took over and it became the biggest city in the world about 1000 years ago. The Christians took the city back before finishing the Reconquista of Spain in Granada in 1492. 

We did some walking around after visiting the cathedral but we had to come home to do homework. When I was done homework we all went out the see a historic castle that had an amazing garden. Then we walked to a big bridge and at the end of the bridge there was a another museum on the history of Cordoba. Then we went to our hotel and got ready to go see a water light show at the castle we say earlier. I loved the show there was water shooting here and there, but one hour of water and light can get a little boring. For dinner we went to a tapas place but I was disiponted with my couscous it seemed like they 
made the couscous a week ago and just heated it up, same with the chicken. ta ta for now.

Cordoba cathedral (originally a mosque)

view of cathedral courtyard
View from castled

Castle gardens

Roman bridge looking back at cathedral


  1. Je deteste week-old couscous - your dad is looking I little sunburned - tell him to to put on some sun screen

  2. Cordoba is a must visit. This seems to be called the patio of the lions. I thought it was the court of the lions but that is in Granada. The architecture and landscape is awesome. Great photos.
