Monday 12 November 2012

Nov. 12:
Today I did homework till we went out for lunch and a museum. On the way to the museum we passed a place that had nine cats in total all in one place. Then we went to the museum which is the Archives of the new world (Archivo General de Indias) and a Unesco world heritage site! Mum was disappointed that we didn't get to see the Treaty of Tordesillas which is a special document that divided the world in half between Portugal and Spain in the year 1494 and is housed here but not on display. After the museum it was still a hot day so I got a frap at Starbucks. Then I came home while mum and dad went for a walk. When they came back we all went to the rooftop hot tub. That was very nice. For dinner we loved the sushi place we went last night so much that we went again! I love sushi but I am so full! That's All Folks.


  1. Your blog is doing a good job endorsing Starbucks frapacinos and responsible pet ownership - you should try to get compensated for at least one

  2. Hi Isa. You have some very nice pictures, it is always nice to see your smiling face. I would just like to know what the first picture is and what it says. Our wifi was out for a few days, so uncle Francis came to fix it. Love Nanu

  3. The picture is of the treaty that divided the new world between Spain and Portugal.

    Here is a link to explain
