Sunday 25 November 2012

Nov. 25:
Today I woke up with a sore throat but I lived. We first went to church at the cathedral, then we went to a really big museum. The museum was housed in the Alcazar (fort) and it had the military history of Spain. I liked the tin soldier (miniatures) and armour.   Then we went for a walk around Toledo and a late lunch at a place called La Orza which had really good food and the best artichoke I have had. The we all came home and relaxed. Now we are going to go for dinner so good bye.
 Alcantara Bridge

Got hot out there today

I like this artichoke

Toledo is almost surrounded by water

Bisagra (main Gate of Toledo)

San Martin Bridge


  1. Yes, Holy Toledo! I wonder how that expression found its way to our common usage. Why not Holy Alcazar or holy artichoke? The Alcantar countryside is awesome.

  2. Toledo is amazing as you walk around the whole little city it is all up a steep hill with a river around it so pretty increadable and it has a special cathedral and a pope came from here so might all have come together to make an impression like "holy Toledo" or it might refer to Toledo Ohio.
