Thursday 15 November 2012

Nov. 15:
Today we went to Gibraltar then our next stop Ronda. We first drove for one and a half hours to Gibraltar. Gibraltar just at the tip of Spain and is almost touching Africa but is British. We could see Africa.  Gibraltar has a big and beautiful rock that we took a tour to the top of. The rock had lots of caves, and monkeys. There is a legend that if they keep the monkeys they will stay Brits. Churchill imported monkeys saying that there could be no less than 25 to keep the legend. We went spelunking but not very far in the caves. The inside of the caves were cold and damp with drips falling off the ceiling on our heads. The monkeys were cute but I have an irrational fear of them. For lunch we went into a English pub and I had fish and chips. Then we took another hour drive to get to Ronda which is one of the white towns of Andalusia. Our hotel is very nice with a fireplace. We had dinner in the hotel and it was good. I will talk to you tomorrow, goodbye.

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