Wednesday 14 November 2012

Nov. 14: We are staying in a vineyard for the winery we visited yesterday, Tio Pepe. The picture above  is of mummy knitting with our new friend Snoopy.
Today we went on a day trip to Cadiz (note stop on Ticket to Ride). Seville could not have all the trading going on after the late 1500's when the river silted up, so the traders all move down stream to Cadiz. We did some walking around but lots of things were closed because there was a strike (see news headlines of strikes all over south Europe). We did some looking around the water front, then the centre of town. We had a nice lunch but we decided to not have dinner in Cadiz, because it was not the nicest. Then we saw some historical things like a church that was so big! We also got some candy :). Then we drove home and are going to have a picnic for dinner. Talk to you soon.


  1. Your new friend snoopy looks bored senseless waiting for that second sock - or is it a third sock - that's a good idea - socks should come in threes so you have a spare when one sock wanders away - poor snoopy

    1. As a matter of fact it is the 3rd sock. Mum says you can't rush art.

  2. OK I think that so far Spain could win the paradise competition. Staying in a vineyard, sunny days, beautiful historic buildings and neighborhoods oh, and friendly dogs and cats

  3. I still like Vancouver best. There is no place like home.
