Tuesday 27 November 2012

Nov. 27:
Today we went to the royal palace of Madrid. This palace is the official residence of the Spanish royal family. There is an armoury that has lots of different pieces of armour for men and kids. The palace is on the site first used as a fort by the Moors in the 800s. Madrid was taken back by the Christians in 1085 but the palace did not really become important until Madrid was made the capitol of Spain in 1561.
There are statues on the tops of roofs all over the place here. In the afternoon I did some work, and after a while we walked around and got me a new coat and had dinner.  Now we are home happy to rest. Good bye. Oh before I go it was so cold today we all nearly froze.
Cathedral of the palace

Spanish Royal Palace

Armoury of the Palace

New coat in front of the Museum of Ham

Market selling food like Eataly in NY

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