Saturday 10 November 2012

Nov. 10:
Today dad and I woke up late but we got up eventually. While me and mum did homework dad went shopping for our breakfast. Then he want out again for a run. When I was done with my homework we all went out to explore the cathedral. The cathedral was really big, the third biggest cathedral in the world! When we were finished in the cathedral we actually went on a carriage ride, I thought that was fun! Then we went back to the hotel for a break, but on the way back we did some shopping. I got two long sleeve shirts, and mum got one blouse and some pants. After the break we went to the Museo des Bellas Artes. The art museum was very big and had lots of great artworks including Goya and Valazques. Then we went to three places for dinner, a small time for each. Now it is night time so good ZZZzzzs.

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