Thursday 29 November 2012

Nov. 29:
Today we went to the golden triangle of art, and I chose one piece from each to tell you a little about, but first I will tell you what else we did today. First we went to the three museums than we were walking home and saw a big, and beautiful building with lots of plants on the side. Then we were shopping until dinner. Dinner was in a deconsecrated church and it was good but dad liked it the most, there was music and opera, my favourite part was dessert.
Now the museums. First we went to the Prado and saw the painting Las Meninas, done by Diego Velazquez in 1656 which shows the 5 year old heir to the Spainsh thrown. One of the most important paintings in western history but I didn't think if was that interesting. Second museum, the Reina Sofia museum, the painting Guernica by Pablo Picasso (very good art work) made in 1937.This piece shows the suffering of a war but in an unrealistic way (Guernica was the first time civilians were targeted in war by bombing the whole city). The third museum was the Thyssen museum and the painting Les Vessennote by Vincent van Gogh, in 1890. This was one of the last painting Van Gogh ever painted before he died. Also at the Thyssen museum was a exhibit on Cartier. Cartier was a jerwliest and a beautiful one at that. We each picked one for our own , I picked a tiara, but they have to stay with the exhibit. That looks like everything, ta ta for now.

La Capila restaurant in a church

Cartier exhibit at Thyssen museum

Picasso's Guernica in Reina Sofia museum

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm so impressed by your heavy doses of museums. Picasso's Guernica was hanging in New York city and I saw it there before it was repatriated back to Spain. There is an interesting film of Picasso's struggle with the painting. He went thru many revisions during hids process.
